

Oct 07, 2020

Mindfulness is often considered to be some sort of dramatic yogi retreat, hour long meditation or zen guru living alone in the mountains.

Really the practice of mindfulness is no more than getting our thoughts out of the past, and away from the future into the present moment.

Methods, like yoga, meditation, using awareness, breath and various mindfulness exercises are not the meaning but the practice.  They are simply ways of getting it done.

You can gain mindfulness sitting in a boat in the middle of the lake, relaxing, thinking about nothin in particular other then the pleasure in the sunshine on skin, sounds of the birds and water, smells of fresh air and summer and taste of that drink you just sipped.  

Mindfulness might be using the practice of awareness to enjoy every bite of your meal.  Or practicing a few deep breaths before you enter an important meeting at work.  Mindfulness is not a 'what' it is an awareness of the present moment.  
In my practice I tie together the theories in Cognitive Reconstructuring and the Law of Attraction with Mindfulness as a coping strategy practice and ability to recover from maladaptive cycles and patterns.  


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