Blessings and Rewards - the Law of Compensation coaching healing law of compensation life coaching manifestation manifestation coaching rewards and blessings self help therapy universal principles Jan 05, 2024

 Whatever we put out externally we get back in blessings.  We become compensated or rewarded in connection to whatever thoughts, beliefs, emotions, responses, actions, behaviours and...

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The Law of Correspondence and Drama, Drama, Drama! communication correspondence drama healing life coaching manifestation manifestation coaching relationships self help therapy universal principles Dec 18, 2023

 The Law of Correspondence is the principle that states the repetitive nature of patterns in the universe.  Our reality is a mirror of what happens internally at the moment.  The...

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Understanding Anger brainspotting cbt coaching life coaching manifestation self development self help selfawareness somatic experiences therapy universal principles Nov 20, 2023

What Anger Really Is. 

Everyone has an opinion about anger.  It is an emotion that is portrayed in our social structures as dark, scary, powerful, strong.  When people get angry...

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The Profound Power of Gratitude and the Universal Principles. emotional regulation gratitude law of attraction law of compensation manifestation coaching manifestation therapy mindset shift positive affirmations self help universal principles Oct 08, 2023

We exist in a fast paced world that is filled with chaos and challenges.  If you turn on the news (I don’t) then you will be faced with the tragedies that are occurring on a daily basis,...

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