Blessings and Rewards - the Law of Compensation
Jan 05, 2024
Whatever we put out externally we get back in blessings. We become compensated or rewarded in connection to whatever thoughts, beliefs, emotions, responses, actions, behaviours and energy we emit into our environment.
Internally this occurs through an understanding that when we have positive thoughts, we feel positive emotions. When we feel positive emotions our body responds with positive health, energy and motivation for more.
We understand so far from the other universal principles that all energy is connected, including to the divine source. We know that energy is always in motion, and that this motion resonates with other energy even on different levels. We also know that our choices can lead to effects, or consequences. Understanding the law of compensation puts this in terms of awareness of blessings. It can work of course in the alternate pole where if we focus on negative we get negative, but ultimately the idea is to be rewarded right?
The Law of Compensation focuses on proportional receival related to whatever we put out. Applying this principle in our lives involves making a conscious effort to align actions, thoughts, emotions and overall energy towards positive outcomes.
We can do that through cultivating positive mindsets. Fostering positive, optimistic views, beliefs, messages which contribute to positive emotions and outcomes. Setting clear goals so that we know what we want to achieve, manifest and what our intentions are specifically. Having clarity helps direct our energy towards our desired outcome. Action is important. Taking consistent action with consistency and purpose will lead to accelerated hope, motivation and intention.
In almost every principle of the universe gratitude can be present. Gratitude is a high frequency vibe of energy. Acknowledging and appreciating the positive in our lives will attract more positive energy and align with the abundance that we seek. If you see abundance, you can feel gratitude.
Paying attention to the energy that occurs in different situations and being mindful of our thoughts, triggers, emotions, responses or reactions will support a shift into positive. Positive behaviours, positive internal to external will accelerate progress. We can accept challenges or setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth. Embracing any negative experiences as this will allow valuable lessons and turn obstacles into stepping stones.
Healthy relationships should be fostered, and surrounding ourselves with people who inspire, uplift, teach or connect in positive ways with us is important. Healthy relationships contribute to a positive and harmonious environment, and a positive internal look at ourselves as well.
Staying open to opportunities, while visualizing the success that we want will help create a mental image and align the subconscious mind with our intention. Having an open mind and seizing opportunities as they align with our goals will encourage more opportunities to come. Adjusting strategies and approaches may be part of this open minded ability to adapt to continued growth. At times we need to assess where we are, with a comparison to where we want to be.
Let’s look at the principle of compensation from the perspective of our focus on thoughts, emotions, body sensations and behaviours. Really, this is what I work on with most clients in therapy, so it seems fitting here.
Be mindful. I know, I know, many are sick of hearing this repeated constantly.
My mother told me, after I was in trouble for what seemed like the 100th time due to my inability to follow through with paperwork, procedures or remember to renew my drivers license that if something is repeating it is good to look at what the common denominator is, and in the situation of chaos and problems always occurring for me, it was me that was the common denominator there. Though I will add that today I realize, I was also struggling with complex trauma responses turned ADHD. But enough about that.
Mindfulness works. Point blank, it works, and it is being repeated, because it works. Which is also why gratitude works. I had someone say to me that they hoped my ‘stuff’ wasn’t just about finding gratitude. But gratitude is an enormous part of transformation. We can not find acceptance, or our way through to authenticity and peace without first finding gratitude. But first, let’s tackle mindfulness.
Now, mindfulness does not have to be yoga, or doing a 20 minute meditation every day. You do not have to do something that makes you uncomfortable, frustrated or struggle. Mindfulness is only about being present in the present. However you get to the present is up to you. Some people I have worked with find doing the dishes is their go to mindfulness, or taking a walk, journaling, fishing, biking, running. It doesn’t matter, as long as you are present in the present.
Mindfulness is our connection to the present moment. It is about connection to ourselves, and connection to our environment. It is our energetic connection to what is rather than constantly trying to change what was or what is coming.
What doesn’t work is zoning out. Mindfulness is zoning in. Connecting, not disconnecting. So while I can get lost in scrolling videos or posts, or binge watching a series, and I did used to enjoy the occasional videogame this is zoning out. We are disconnecting from the present moment when we are mindlessly scrolling, watching, playing or disconnecting. Sure, it can seem relaxing to disconnect when we have been having busy days or lives, but just acknowledge that when you are doing these things you are not mindful. Your actually more like mindless.
Paying attention to the energy that occurs in different situations and being mindful of our thoughts, triggers, emotions, responses or reactions will support a shift into positive. Positive behaviours, positive internal to external will accelerate progress. We can accept challenges or setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth. Embracing any negative experiences as this will allow valuable lessons and turn obstacles into stepping stones.
That is where gratitude lies. It isn’t about being thankful for every single thing that we struggled through. It isn’t about being grateful for adverse or abusive situations. Gratitude is about finding blessings where there was oppression, and finding light in the dark. We do not have to accept that what occurred to us may have been positive in some way - although doing this can also be healing. All we need to do is find gratitude it’s over, or that it was temporary. That all things in fact, are temporary. That we do not have to suffer, that we can learn, grow, achieve, change.
Gratitude is about loving ourselves, rather than trying to change who we are, and what we have experienced. The Law of Compensation is about focusing on the positives, and understanding that what we have put out will be returned in blessings. Thinking positively, allowing peace, gratitude and positive energetic emotions, to find the calm in our anxiety will allow for compensation in more peace, positive experiences and blessings to find us.
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