
What is Self Care?

lawofattraction learning love manifestation selfawareness selfcare universal principles Feb 19, 2019
Self Care

Self-care.  Its quickly becoming common terminology in mental health and wellness practices.  Caregivers and supporters are encouraged to practice regular self-care as part of their day to day schedules as a means of maintaining their own strengths and balance to be better providers.  Those in mental health or addictions recovery are taught various methods of self-care.

But what really is it?  Some would respond it is getting a relaxing massage, or a mani-pedi at the local nail salon.  Others might claim a bubble bath, a walk in nature, a good book or some arts & crafts time uninterrupted.  Are these really self-care? The answer is individualized, and not as black and white as some would like.

Self-care is the practice of learning to love yourself in such a way that you are also learning about yourself.  It is actively zoning in, instead of zoning out.

Netflix binge watching, gossiping on a chair in a nail salon, texting an argument with your partner while walking in a park, checking in with your children while you multi task in a bubble bath or doing some crafts that you have to get done in time for Christmas are not ideal for self-care.  These practices are about zoning out, caring for others, or pressure of deadlines and tasks with ulterior motives.

Self-care is not always easy.  It's not always as comfortable was it may seem when you leaf through pictures on websites of people meditating and doing various yoga poses or grooming.  It can be something as emotional as writing in a journal to reflect on your insights and personal growth.  Attempting meditation as best as you can.  Soaking in a bubble bath or reading a good book to experience just 'being' as opposed to racing to meet a deadline or multitasking grooming with the book you have been meaning to finish.  

So make a list of things that you can do for self-care daily, weekly and monthly.   You do need hours of time to do these practices, a few minutes a day to start.  After-all with busy lives of work, families, and caregiving we can find anxiety in the simple task of trying to find the time.  But make the time to value yourself, you will not regret the results.


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