
The Magic - a book review

gratitude manifestation self care self development the secret therapy Jan 11, 2023

I am doing the Magic.  It is based on the Secret, by Rhonda Byrne.  Notice I did not say reading the Magic.  I am 'doing' the Magic alongside Francesca Amber's Book Club Bitches.  She has a podcast style book club that reads through the book and supports people through doing whatever exercises are in the book.  Part of it is also joining the Facebook group for her Book Club Bitches.

The book is all about gratitude.  The importance of gratitude, the exercises we can do each day based on gratitude directed at different areas of our life.  

I always try to find appreciation and gratitude daily.  In fact its one of the first things I give to my clients to do as homework - finding 3 things in the morning they can find gratitude for, or finding gratitude for a relationship they struggle with.  Doing the work myself has renewed the 'feeling' behind gratitude, and reminded me truely how important it is to find appreciation not just for those areas we are blessed to have, but also the ones we find struggle with.

It has me sleeping through the night without any waking or tossing and turning, which I didn't even realize I was really doing.  It has me feeling much better about my 'stuck' feeling with health and wellness.  It has me ignoring all these New Years resolutions people are making and breaking and just doing daily goal setting and achievements.  It has me treasuring the people close to me, and enhancing the connections that are important to me.  It even has me finding much more patience for the relationships that are a struggle!

This is a fabulous book, and doing it alongside one of my favourite podcasters has been so good! Francesca Amber is genuine, she is human with her own struggles and a blunt way of talking through things, and sometimes getting tearful about her own obstacles and connections that finding gratitude and emotional release for my own is so much more attainable.


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